Welcome to the ISDS Sheepdog Archive
This ISDS/HLF Sheepdog Archive website is a work-in-progress. Heritage material about sheepdogs, sheepdog handlers and past trials will be added at regular intervals over the next year, and will continue to be added in the future. The content in each section will be expanded upon over time. Interviews are still being performed, and will be published in the International Sheepdog News. Heritage material continues to be obtained and digitalised for use on this website.
If you would like to interview a favourite handler or provide photographs about handlers and their dogs, please get in touch via the Contact page. There are so many handlers and dogs that we would like to hear about.
Search box
Please use the search box to look for a particular handler or dog or trial, etc. The search box can be found in the top righthand corner of each webpage, except the Homepage (it does not appear here due to the revolving slideshow).
Heritage Lottery Fund
It is with much appreciation to the Heritage Lottery Fund for enabling this heritage work to take place.